Sunday, February 21, 2010

Oh Deer!

For the last few years I've become pretty obsessed with eagles. In the past when we went driving around we would always be on the lookout for deer. After thinking about it, I realized that lately I actually see more eagles than deer while roaming our back roads. So, Wednesday I experimented. On my drive back from Dodgeville, I took the county road instead of the main highway. I hadn't gone to far before I ran across a deer foraging on the edge of some woods. Things looked fairly good for deer watching. Then another deer and a small group of turkeys. Another deer eating out of a corn crib right next to the road was barely bothered by my presence even posed for a few pictures. More turkeys and then, BaDAh! Four eagles out in a field gnawing on some kind of carcass. Deer three, Eagles four, Turkeys seven. Just to cap things off for the eagle team one more did a flyby as I approached Fennimore. One trip does not a conclusion make. (I heard that somewhere during a chocolate induced dream) Saturday, after visiting Jo's Mom with Saffie, I hit old County Q again, this time with a witnesses. Bang, a deer right off. Aha! Then fiftysome turkeys and another deer, and another deer and more turkeys (with turkeys I stop counting at ten) A real good deer day and then around a corner and over a hill... five eagles. In a tree, on the ground, and in the air doing their usual wing-flipping off signs at me. But then over one more hill and the deer rallied, three of them dining on last fall's corn spillage in a field below us. Ha, that makes six deer, a million turkeys and only five eagles and less than five miles to home. Oh there's an eagle in that tree, oh there's one flying right at us, oh there's another in that tree by the creek and I think that may be one way out there in that tree. And we're home. Final score for Saturday, a million turkeys, six deer and eight or nine eagles. Two day total, Deer, nine, Turkeys, several million, and Eagles, twelve or thirteen.
Makes one wonder, do the eagles prefer venison to turkey?

"Watch out there's Eagles up ahead!"

"Don't worry guys, the Eagle only eat deer."

Eagle on the prowl.
It even has a deer stand for hunting

This just looked like it should be shot.