Monday, December 29, 2008

Hey, Look At That!

Recently I posted a blog about a bunch of eagles that I had seen while driving to Prairie du Chien. I (mildly) admonished folks for being in too big a hurry to enjoy the wonders all around us. I thought, that in all fairness, I should not just preach what I practice. It was time for me to separate the pudding from the proof. So, I conducted this little experiment which I documented on film (really in pixels). The experiment was simple. I would drive (fast) up Route 18 to Prairie only watching the road ahead. Here is what I saw on that trip.

Then I drove the same route, taking my time and observing the world around me. These are a few of the things that were right there for the seeing along the scenic roadside.

Although the surroundings were very exciting the thing that really caught my eye when I looked ahead was....................

All in all I feel that the experiment was fairly successful but, a little more attention to the highway might make it a bit more enjoyable.